
Website Redesign

Ministry of Investment/

As I was informed by my company that they wanted to give BKPM another round of design idea, I was gladly to help them. They submitted 3 designs, so I aimed my design to be very simple that quite a contrast to the designs that my company proposed.

Ministry of Investment/BKPM - Page 1 - by DwanMinistry of Investment/BKPM - Page 2 - by DwanMinistry of Investment/BKPM - Page 3 - by Dwan

The Concept

When talking about investment, the word growth came into my mind.

The word growth were than extracted and combine with their corporate identity to produce color scheme and simple graphics.

BKPM Growth Growth
  • Seed
  • Water
  • Sun
Ministry of Investment/BKPM - Page 6 - by DwanMinistry of Investment/BKPM - Page 7 - by DwanMinistry of Investment/BKPM - Page 8 - by Dwan

Inspired by Growth

  1. Extracted the meaning of growth into the word seed which symbolized as the color of green.
  2. For the seed to grow, it need water and sun, both were symbolize as the color of blue and yellow.
  3. The growth itself was symbolize by a simple arrow pointing upward.
Ministry of Investment/BKPM - Page 10 - by DwanMinistry of Investment/BKPM - Page 11 - by DwanMinistry of Investment/BKPM - Page 12 - by Dwan

Pursuing Ecological Agenda

A small touch that I added is to remind my client about investment that are about climate change issue, I added sublime messages into the design prototype that I made.

Ministry of Investment/BKPM - Page 17 - by DwanMinistry of Investment/BKPM - Page 18 - by DwanMinistry of Investment/BKPM - Page 19 - by Dwan

The Interface Guideline

The newly created interface guideline will provide consistent interface development in the future.

Ministry of Investment/BKPM Website Redesign - Guideline - by Dwan