Website Redesign
Asosiasi Antropologi Indonesia
Asosiasi Antropologi Indonesia (AAI) website was due to redesign. They have a clear idea on how their website should look like and I'm helping them to create it.
Asosiasi Antropologi Indonesia (AAI) website was due to redesign. They have a clear idea on how their website should look like and I'm helping them to create it.
The use non common word “Kerabat”, which means "you + family" to refer “you” was a way to make the website sounds like antropolog.
Providing thematic photos as visual guide to break from monotonous wordy content.
The newly created interface guideline will provide consistent interface development in the future.
It was develop using WordPress for fast development, which just under 2 weeks. And most importanly the familiarity of the platform from the website editorial.